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Artículos de investigación en publicaciones internacionales arbitradas.

(Nota: aquí sólo aparecen artículos de la facultad actual del ITAM, si busca otro artículo consúltelo en el siguiente enlace: fecha de publicación)

Aguilar Villegas Juan Carlos

Aguilar, J. C. (2015). Higher-order Newton–Cotes rules with end corrections. Applied Numerical Mathematics88, 66-77. ISSN:0168-9274


Aguilar, J. C., & Chen, Y. (2008). High-Order Quadrature Rules for Acoustic Scattering Calculations. Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences3(2), 71-82.


Aguilar, J. C. (2008). High-order corrected trapezoidal quadrature rules for functions with a logarithmic singularity on a circle. Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences3(23), 1133-1140.


Aguilar, J. C. (2007). An Unconditionally A-Stable Method for Initial Value Problems Based on Simpson’s Rule. In Int. Math. Forum (Vol. 2, No. 56, pp. 2771-2779).


Aguilar, J. C., & Goodman, J. B. (2005). An efficient interpolation algorithm on anisotropic grids for functions with jump discontinuities in 2-D. Applied numerical mathematics55(2), 137-153.


Aguilar, J. C., & Chen, Y. (2005). High-order corrected trapezoidal quadrature rules for the Coulomb potential in three dimensions. Computers & Mathematics with Applications49(4), 625-631.


Aguilar, J. C., & Chen, Y. (2002). High-order corrected trapezoidal quadrature rules for functions with a logarithmic singularity in 2-D. Computers & Mathematics with Applications44(8-9), 1031-1039.


Bengochea Cruz Abimael

Burgos-García, J., Bengochea, A., & Franco-Pérez, L. (2022). The spatial Hill four-body problem I—An exploration of basic invariant sets. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation108, 106264.

Bengochea, A., Garcia-Chung, A., & Pérez-Chavela, E. (2022). Zero–Hopf bifurcations in Yu–Wang type systems. The European Physical Journal Special Topics231(3), 413-421.

Bengochea, A., García-Azpeitia, C., Pérez-Chavela, E., & Roldan, P. (2022). Continuation of relative equilibria in the n–body problem to spaces of constant curvature. Journal of Differential Equations307, 137-159.

Barrera, C., Bengochea, A., & García-Azpeitia, C. (2022). Comet and Moon Solutions in the Time-Dependent Restricted (n+ 1)-Body Problem. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations34(2), 1187-1207.

Bengochea, A. &  Lara, R.(2021). A restricted four-body problem for the eight figure choreography. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 26, 222-235.

Bengochea, A., Galán-Vioque, J., & Pérez-Chavela, E. (2021). Families of Symmetric Exchange Orbits in the Planar (1+ 2 n)-Body Problem. Qualitative theory of dynamical systems20(2), 1-24.

Bengochea, A., Hernández-Garduño, A., & Pérez-Chavela, E. (2021). New families of periodic orbits in the 4-body problem emanating from a kite configuration. Applied Mathematics and Computation398, 125961.

Burgos-Garcia, J., & Bengochea, A. (2017). Horseshoe orbits in the restricted four-body problem. Astrophysics and Space Science362(11), 212.


Bosch Giral Carlos 

Bosch, C., García, C. L., Gilsdorf, T. E., Wulschner, C. G., & Vera, R. (2021). Eventually constant intertwining linear maps between complete locally convex spaces. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (46), 147–163

Bosch, C., García, C. L., Gilsdorf, T., Gómez-Wulschner, C., & Vera, R. (2017). Fixed points of set-valued maps in locally complete spaces. Fixed Point Theory and Applications2017, 1-11.

Bosch, C., Cabo, M., Charalambous, N., García, C. L., Gómez-Wulschner, C., Pastor, G., & Reyes, A. (2016). Finding the Middle Ground Bisectors in p-Geometry. Journal for Geometry and Graphics20(1), 023-032

Bosch, C., García, C. L., Garibay-Bonales, F., Gómez-Wulschner, C., & Vera, R. (2015). Ekeland's variational principle and critical points of dynamical systems in locally complete spaces. Annals of Functional Analysis6(4), 107-113.



Bosch, C., Gilsdorf, T. E., & Gómez-Wulschner, C. (2011). Mackey first countability and docile locally convex spaces. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series27(4), 737-740.


Bosch, C., & Reyes-Heroles, R.(2011) Pareto Optimal Partitions for a Particular Welfare Function.International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 5(45-48),  2395–2402

Bosch, C., & Garcia, A. (2010). Local completeness and Pareto optimization. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications73(4), 1098-1100.

Bosch, C., Garcıa, A., Gómez-Wulschner, C., & Hernández-Linares, S. (2010). Equivalents to Ekeland’s variational principle in locally complete spaces. Sci. Math. Japn72, 283-287.


Bosch, C., Garcia, A., & Garcia, C. L. (2007). An extension of Ekeland's variational principle to locally complete spaces. Journal of mathematical analysis and applications328(1), 106-108.


Bosch, C., Garcıa, C. L., Garybay-Bonales, F., Gómez-Wulschner, C., & Vera, R. (2006). Locally Complete Spaces, Regularity, and the Banach Disk Closure Property. In International Mathematical Forum (Vol. 1, No. 8, pp. 351-357).


Bosch, C., Gilsdorf T. ,and Gómez-Wulschner C., and Vera R. (2002). Local Completeness of Ip(E),1<=p< infinity. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (Vol.31, No. 11, pp. 651-657).


Bosch Giral C., García A., and Gilsdorf T. (2002). Some Hereditary Properties of Iinf(E) from E. International Mathematical Journal, Vol.2, No. 11, pp. 1061-1066.


Bosch, C., & Kučera, J. (2002). Sequential completeness and regularity of inductive limits of webbed spaces. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal52(2), 329-332.


Bosch, C., & García, A. (2000). Banach-Mackey, locally complete spaces, and ℓp, q-summability. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences23(10), 675-679


Breña Medina Victor 

Villar-Sepúlveda, E., Aguirre, P., & Breña-Medina, V. F. (2023). A Case Study of Multiple Wave Solutions in a Reaction-Diffusion System Using Invariant Manifolds and Global Bifurcations. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems22(2), 918-950.


Champneys, A. R., Al Saadi, F., Breña–Medina, V. F., Grieneisen, V. A., Marée, A. F., Verschueren, N., & Wuyts, B. (2021). Bistability, wave pinning and localisation in natural reaction–diffusion systems. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena416, 132735.


Pantoja-Hernández, J., Breña-Medina, V. F., & Santillán, M. (2021). Hybrid reaction–diffusion and clock-and-wavefront model for the arrest of oscillations in the somitogenesis segmentation clock<? A3B2 show [editpick]?>. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31(6), 063107.

Quiroz-Juárez, M. A., Jiménez-Ramírez, O., Vázquez-Medina, R., Breña-Medina, V., Aragón, J. L., & Barrio, R. A. (2019). Generation of ECG signals from a reaction-diffusion model spatially discretized. Scientific reports, 9(1), 19000.

Avitabile, D., Bren͂a, V. F., & Ward, M. J. (2018). Spot dynamics in a reaction-diffusion model of plant root hair initiation. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics78(1), 291-319.

arXiv:1703.02608 y bioRxiv:114876

Moctezuma, J. C., Breña-Medina, V., Nunez-Yanez, J. L., & McGeehan, J. P. (2016). Neuron Dynamics of Single-Compartment Traub Model for Hardware Implementations. International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering, 8(7), 1281-1284.

Bren͂a--Medina, V. F., Avitabile, D., Champneys, A. R., & Ward, M. J. (2015). Stripe to spot transition in a plant root hair initiation model. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 75(3), 1090-1119.

Breña-Medina, V., & Champneys, A. (2014). Subcritical Turing bifurcation and the morphogenesis of localized patterns. Physical Review E, 90(3), 032923.

Bren͂a--Medina, V., Champneys, A. R., Grierson, C., & Ward, M. J. (2014). Mathematical modeling of plant root hair initiation: Dynamics of localized patches. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 13(1), 210-248.

Sánchez-Garduño, F., & Breña-Medina, V. F. (2011). Searching for spatial patterns in a pollinator–plant–herbivore mathematical model. Bulletin of mathematical biology, 73, 1118-1153.

Sánchez‐Garduño, F., & Breña‐Medina, V. F. (2008, February). Spatio‐temporal dynamics of a three interacting species mathematical model inspired in physics. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 978, No. 1, pp. 115-134). American Institute of Physics.

Caetano de Oliveira Contreras Vladimir

Caetano, V., Hinojosa, G., & Valdez, R. (2022). Hausdorff Dimension Varies Continuously on Equivalent Dynamically Defined Wild Knots. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series53(2), 443-460.

Castañeda Rivera Pablo 

Castañeda, P., & Berres, S. (2023) Bifurcation of solutions through a contact manifold in bidisperse models. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics9, 1199011.


Núñez-López, M., Zepeda-Tello, R., Castañeda, P., Skolnick, S., Meza, R., & Hernández-Ávila, M. (2023). Implementation of mitigation measures and modeling of in-hospital dynamics depending on the COVID-19 infection status. In Mathematical Modelling, Simulations, and AI for Emergent Pandemic Diseases (pp. 175-198). Academic Press.



Tang, J., Castaneda, P., Marchesin, D., & Rossen, W. R. (2022, October). Foam-Oil Displacements in Porous Media: Insights from Three-Phase Fractional-Flow Theory. In ADIPEC. OnePetro.


Castañeda, P., Marchesin, D., & Furtado, F. (2022). Universality of Riemann solutions in porous media. Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana28(1), 1-21.


Castañeda, P. (2020). Embedded delta shocks. Heliyon6(6), e04152.


Tang, J., Castañeda, P., Marchesin, D., & Rossen, W. R. (2019). Three‐phase fractional‐flow theory of foam‐oil displacement in porous media with multiple steady states. Water Resources Research, 55 (12): 10319–10339.


Castañeda, P., (2018) "Explicit construction of effective flux functions for Riemann solutions", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 236: 273-284.



Castañeda, P., & Furtado, F. (2016). The role of sonic shocks between two-and three-phase states in porous media. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series47(1), 227-240.

DOI: 10.1007/s00574-016-0134-1

Berres, S., & Castañeda, P. (2016). Identification of shock profile solutions for bidisperse suspensions. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series47(1), 105-115.

DOI: 10.1007/s00574-016-0125-2

Castañeda, P., Abreu, E., Furtado, F., & Marchesin, D. (2016). On a universal structure for immiscible three-phase flow in virgin reservoirs. Computational Geosciences20(1), 171-185.


Matos, V., Castaneda, P., & Marchesin, D. (2014). Classification of the umbilic point for general immiscible three-phase flow in porous media. Fourteenth International Conference devoted to Theory, Numerics and Applications of Hyperbolic Problems 2012, Padova, Italia. AIMS Applied Mathematics Vol. 8: 791-799.



Castaneda, P., Furtado, F., & Marchesin, D. (2014). On singular points for convex permeability models,”. Proc. of Hyp2012, AIMS Series on Appl. Math8, 415-422. Fourteenth International Conference devoted to Theory, Numerics and Applications of Hyperbolic Problems 2012, Padova, Italia.


Fiedler, B., & Castaneda, P. (2012). Rainbow meanders and Cartesian billiards. São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences6(2), 247-275.


Castaneda, P., Marchesin, D., & Bruining, J. (2012). The dynamics of chemical reactors in porous media. Advances in Differential Equations17(7-8), 725-746.



Chávez Hernández María Victoria

Cervantes-Sanmiguel, K. I., Chavez-Hernandez, M. V., & Ibarra-Rojas, O. J. (2023). Analyzing the trade-off between minimizing travel times and reducing monetary costs for users in the transit network design. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological173, 142-161.

Chávez Hernández, M. V., Juárez Valencia, L. H., & Ríos Solís, Y. Á. (2019). Penalization and augmented Lagrangian for OD demand matrix estimation from transit segment counts. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science15(2), 915-943.

Juérez, L. H., & Chávez, M. V. (2015). , O-D Matrix Adjustment for Transit Networks by Conjugate Gradient Iterations. Investigación Operacional36(2).

Espinosa Armenia Ramón 

Espinosa R. (1999). A Qualitative method for Multicriteria Decision Aid. Investigación Operativa, Vol.8, pp. 77-86.



Fernández Román Leobardo

Fernández, L., & Puga, I. (2019). On semi-Kelley Continua. Houston Journal of Mathematics45(1), 307-315.


Figueroa Gutiérrez Ana Paulina 

Figueroa, A. P., Montellano-Ballesteros, J. J., & Olsen, M. (2023). Partition of regular balanced c-tournaments into strongly connected c-tournaments. Discrete Mathematics346(7), 113459.

Ábrego, B. M., Fernández-Merchant, S., Figueroa, A. P., Montellano-Ballesteros, J. J., & Rivera-Campo, E. (2022). The Crossing Number of Twisted Graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics38(5), 134.

Figueroa, A. P., Montellano-Ballesteros, J. J., & Olsen, M. (2020). Conditions on the regularity of balanced $ c $-partite tournaments for the existence of strong subtournaments with high minimum degree. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 82(3)  353–-365.

Figueroa, A. P., & Fresán-Figueroa, J. (2020). The biplanar tree graph. Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana26(3), 795-806.


Figueroa, A. P., Possani, E., & Trigueros, M. (2018). Matrix multiplication and transformations: an APOS approach. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior,Vol. 52, pp. 77-91.


Figueroa, A. P., Fresán-Figueroa, J., & Rivera-Campo, E. (2017). On the perfect matching graph defined by a set of cycles. Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana23, 549-556.

Figueroa, A. P., Hernández-Cruz, C., & Olsen, M. (2017). The minimum feedback arc set problem and the acyclic disconnection for graphs. Discrete Mathematics340(7), 1514-1521.

Figueroa, A. P., Montellano-Ballesteros, J. J., & Olsen, M. (2016). Strong subtournaments and cycles of multipartite tournaments. Discrete Mathematics339(11), 2793-2803.

Figueroa, A. P., & Rivera-Campo, E. (2015). A counterexample to a result on the tree graph of a graph. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 63(3), 368-373. 


Figueroa, A. P., Olsen, M., & Zuazua, R. (2015). On the vertices of a 3-partite tournament not in triangles. Discrete Mathematics338(11), 1982-1988.


Figueroa, A. P., & Olsen, M. (2012). The tight bound on the number of. AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS52, 209-214.

Figueroa, A. P., & Rivera-Campo, E. (2012). The basis graph of a bicolored matroid. Discrete Applied Mathematics160(18), 2694-2697.

Figueroa, A. P., Llano, B., Olsen, M., & Rivera-Campo, E. (2012). On the acyclic disconnection of multipartite tournaments. Discrete Applied Mathematics160(10-11), 1524-1531.

Figueroa, A. P., & Llano, B. (2010). An infinite family of self-diclique digraphs. Applied mathematics letters23(5), 630-632.

Figueroa, A. P., Llano, B., & Zuazua, R. (2010). The number of C3⃗-free vertices on 3-partite tournaments. Discrete mathematics310(19), 2482-2488.

Figueroa, A. P. (2009). A note on a theorem of Perles concerning non-crossing paths in convex geometric graphs. Computational Geometry42(1), 90-91.

Figueroa, A. P., & Rivera-Campo, E. (2009). On the basis graph of a bicolored matroid. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics35, 269-273.

Figueroa, A.P, & Rivera-Campo, E. (2008). On the tree graph of a connected graph. Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory28(3), 501-510.

García García César Luis 

Bosch, C., García, C. L., Gilsdorf, T. E., Wulschner, C. G., & Vera, R. (2021). Eventually constant intertwining linear maps between complete locally convex spaces. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (46), 147–163

Bosch, C., García, C. L., Gilsdorf, T., Gómez-Wulschner, C., & Vera, R. (2017). Fixed points of set-valued maps in locally complete spaces. Fixed Point Theory and Applications2017, 1-11.

Bosch, C., Cabo, M., Charalambous, N., García, C. L., Gómez-Wulschner, C., Pastor, G., & Reyes, A. (2016). Finding the Middle Ground Bisectors in p-Geometry. Journal for Geometry and Graphics20(1), 023-032

Bosch, C., García, C. L., Garibay-Bonales, F., Gómez-Wulschner, C., & Vera, R. (2015). Ekeland's variational principle and critical points of dynamical systems in locally complete spaces. Annals of Functional Analysis6(4), 107-113. ISNN: 2008-8752


Bosch, C., & Garcia, A. (2010). Local completeness and Pareto optimization. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications73(4), 1098-1100.

Bosch, C., Garcia, A., & Garcia, C. L. (2007). An extension of Ekeland's variational principle to locally complete spaces. Journal of mathematical analysis and applications328(1), 106-108.


Bosch, C., Garcıa, C. L., Garybay-Bonales, F., Gómez-Wulschner, C., & Vera, R. (2006). Locally Complete Spaces, Regularity, and the Banach Disk Closure Property. In International Mathematical Forum (Vol. 1, No. 8, pp. 351-357).


Lomelí, H. E., & García, C. L. (2006). Variations on a Theorem of Korovkin. The American Mathematical Monthly113(8), 744-750.


García, C.L. & Johnson W.B. (2003). Power Type Uniform Convexity of X via p-Asymptotic Uniform Convexity of Lr(X). Houston Journal of Mathematics, 29(2), pp. 395-402.


Casazza, P., García, C., & Johnson, W. (2001). An example of an asymptotically Hilbertian space which fails the approximation property. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society129(10), 3017-3023.

Gómez Wulschner Claudia 

Bosch, C., García, C. L., Gilsdorf, T. E., Wulschner, C. G., & Vera, R. (2021). Eventually constant intertwining linear maps between complete locally convex spaces. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (46), 147–163

Bosch, C., García, C. L., Gilsdorf, T., Gómez-Wulschner, C., & Vera, R. (2017). Fixed points of set-valued maps in locally complete spaces. Fixed Point Theory and Applications2017, 1-11.

Bosch, C., Cabo, M., Charalambous, N., García, C. L., Gómez-Wulschner, C., Pastor, G., & Reyes, A. (2016). Finding the Middle Ground Bisectors in p-Geometry. Journal for Geometry and Graphics20(1), 023-032

Bosch, C., García, C. L., Garibay-Bonales, F., Gómez-Wulschner, C., & Vera, R. (2015). Ekeland's variational principle and critical points of dynamical systems in locally complete spaces. Annals of Functional Analysis6(4), 107-113. ISNN: 2008-8752


Bosch, C., Gilsdorf, T. E., & Gómez-Wulschner, C. (2011). Mackey first countability and docile locally convex spaces. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series27(4), 737-740


Bosch, C., Garcıa, A., Gómez-Wulschner, C., & Hernández-Linares, S. (2010). Equivalents to Ekeland’s variational principle in locally complete spaces. Sci. Math. Japn72, 283-287


Bosch, C., Garcıa, C. L., Garybay-Bonales, F., Gómez-Wulschner, C., & Vera, R. (2006). Locally Complete Spaces, Regularity, and the Banach Disk Closure Property. In International Mathematical Forum (Vol. 1, No. 8, pp. 351-357).


Gomez-Wulschner, C., & Kučera, J. (2004). Sequentially complete inductive limits and regularity. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal54(3), 697-699.


Bosch, C., Gilsdorf, T. ,and Gómez-Wulschner C., and Vera R. (2002). Local Completeness of Ip(E),1<=p< infinity. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (Vol.31, No. 11, pp. 651-657).


Gómez, C., & Kučera, J. (2000). Sequential completeness of inductive limits. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences24(6), 419-421.



Madriz Mendoza Maira

Acosta,G., Alberto-Domínguez, J.C. and Mendoza-Madriz M.(2018). Brown spaces and the Golomb topology.Open Access Journal of  Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, 1(6), 242-247.


Martínez Avendaño Rubén

Itzá-Ortiz, B. A., Martínez-Avendaño, R. A., Nopal-Coello, V., & Villarroel-Flores, R. (2022). Sobre la igualdad entre la envolvente convexa de dos círculos con la unión de cierta familia de elipses. Pädi Boletín Científico de Ciencias Básicas e Ingenierías del ICBI10(Especial), 52-58.


Itzá-Ortiz, B. A., & Martínez-Avendaño, R. A. (2022). Matrices similar to centrosymmetric matrices. J. Korean Math. Soc. 59  no. 5, 997–1013.


Itzá-Ortiz, B. A., Martínez-Avendaño, R. A., & Nakazato, H. (2022). The numerical range of a periodic tridiagonal operator reduces to the numerical range of a finite matrix. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications506(2), 125713.


Itzá-Ortiz, B. A., & Martínez-Avendaño, R. A. (2021). The numerical range of a class of periodic tridiagonal operators. Linear and Multilinear Algebra69(5), 786-806.


Itzá-Ortiz, B. A., Martínez-Avendaño, R. A., & Nakazato, H. (2021). The numerical range of some periodic tridiagonal operators is the convex hull of the numerical ranges of two finite matrices. Linear and Multilinear Algebra69(15), 2830-2849.


Agrawal, A., Berge, A., Colbert-Pollack, S., Martínez-Avendaño, R. A., & Sliheet, E. (2020). Norms, kernels and eigenvalues of some infinite graphs.Oper.Matrices, 14(1),221-250. 


Martínez-Avendaño, R. A., & Rivera-Guasco, E. (2020). The Forward and Backward Shift on the Lipschitz Space of a Tree. Integral Equations and Operator Theory92(1), 1-34.


Itzá-Ortiz, B. A., & Martínez-Avendaño, R. A. (2020). The numerical range of a class of periodic tridiagonal operators. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 1-21.


Allen, R. F., Colonna, F., Martínez-Avendaño, R. A., & Pons, M. A. (2019). Hypercyclicity of composition operators on discrete weighted Banach spaces. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics16, 1-20.


Morais Joao 

Zayed, H. M., Mehrez, K., & Morais, J. (2024). Monotonicity patterns and functional inequalities for modified Lommel functions of the first kind. Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 14(5), 103.


Ashtab, Z., Morais, J. & Michael Porter, R. (2024). Harmonic and Monogenic Functions on Toroidal Domains. J Geom Anal 34, 248 .

Ferreira, M., & Morais, J. (2024). Quaternion Hyperbolic Fourier Transforms and Uncertainty Principles. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory18(2), 16.


Morais, J., & Porter, R. M. (2023). Quaternionic metamonogenic functions in the unit disk. Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana.29 (Suppl 1), 100


Ashtab, Z., Morais, J., & Porter, R. M. (2023). Fourier method for the Neumann problem on a torus. Analysis and Mathematical Physics13(5) 78

Morais, J., & Ferreira, M. (2023). Hyperbolic linear canonical transforms of quaternion signals and uncertainty. Applied Mathematics and Computation450, 127971.

Morais, J. (2023). Orthogonal Harmonic and Quaternionic Monogenic Functions in the Exterior of a Spheroid. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory17(5), 71.

Morais, J., & Porter, R. M. (2023). Reduced-quaternionic Mathieu functions, time-dependent Moisil-Teodorescu operators, and the imaginary-time wave equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation438, 127588.

Álvarez, C., Morais, J., & Porter, R. M. (2022). Reduced-quaternion inframonogenic functions on the ball


Zayed H., Bulboaca T. &  Morais J. (2022) The geometric characterizations for a combination of generalized Struve functions. Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, Vol. 22, pp. 699–714 (2022).


Morais, J., Zayed, H. M., & Srivastava, R. (2021). Third‐order differential subordinations for multivalent functions in the theory of source‐sink dynamics. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences44(14), 11269-11287.

Morais, J., & Zayed, H. M. (2021). Applications of differential subordination and superordination theorems to fluid mechanics involving a fractional higher-order integral operator. Alexandria Engineering Journal60(4), 3901-3914.

García-Ancona, R., Morais, J., & Porter, R. M. (2020). Relations among spheroidal and spherical harmonics. Applied Mathematics and Computation384, 125147.



Abdalla, M., Abul‐Ez, M., & Morais, J. (2018). On the construction of generalized monogenic Bessel polynomials. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences41(18), 9335-9348.


García‐Ancona, R., Morais, J., & Porter, R. M. (2018). Contragenic functions on spheroidal domains. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences41(7), 2575-2589.


Kou, K. I., Liu, M. S., Morais, J. P., & Zou, C. (2017). Envelope detection using generalized analytic signal in 2D QLCT domains. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, An International Journal 28(4), 1343-1366.


Zou, C., Kou, K. I., & Morais, J. (2016). Prolate spheroidal wave functions associated with the quaternionic Fourier transform. Publicado online en Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. DOI: 10.1002/mma.4439.


Morais, J., & Kou, K. I. (2016). Constructing prolate spheroidal quaternion wave functions on the sphere. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences39(14), 3961-3978.


Morais, J., Le, H. T., & Pérez‐de la Rosa, M. A. (2016). Quaternionic Spherical Wave Functions. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences39(18), 5118-5130.5.


Kou, K. I., Ou, J., & Morais, J. (2016). Uncertainty principles associated with quaternionic linear canonical transforms. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences39(10), 2722-2736


Morais, J., Nguyen, H. M., & Kou, K. I. (2016). On 3D orthogonal prolate spheroidal monogenics. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences39(4), 635-648.


Luna-Elizarrarás, M., Morais, J., Pérez-de la Rosa, M., & Shapiro, M. (2016). On a version of quaternionic function theory related to Chebyshev polynomials and modified Sturm-Liouville operators. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics74(1), 165-187 


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